Hey there! In the spirit of getting back to more regular posting on here and social media, I thought it would be appropriate to introduce myself to any new followers and re-acquaint myself with others. My name is Erin, and I manage the Indy Flute Shop at Paige’s Music, which was opened in 2008 to better serve the needs of intermediate to professional flute players in Indiana.

I’ve been here since March 2013, after finishing my Masters in Music Education at Butler University, where I studied with Karen Moratz. Although this isn’t a traditional teaching job per se, I still get to work with students of all levels to help them choose their next perfect instrument, so it truly is a perfect fit for me. My undergraduate degree is actually in Psychology from the University of Evansville, so I consider myself pretty well-rounded and can psychoanalyze you while you shop for a flute (kidding, kidding). In all seriousness, I really do love what I do, and I always hope that comes across when I’m working with anyone from an excited beginner to a professional player.

I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Colin–we’re celebrating 20 years of togetherness this summer! He works in IT at Anthem, keeping all your information safe, and we live in the historic Irvington neighborhood in Indianapolis with our 3 year old daughter, Ailey, and our two dogs and one cat. After a playing hiatus, I just joined the Indianapolis Symphonic Band, and outside of music I love reading, listening to tons of podcasts, cooking, and travel.

If there’s anything else you want to know about me, drop a comment below or reach out on social media, email, or a phone call. Looking forward to meeting many more of you!