Happy New Year! I truly hope each of you had a safe, relaxing, and joy-filled end to a year unlike any other. I definitely found some joy in saying goodbye to 2020, as I’m sure many of you did. Though we still have more difficulties to trudge through before we can put these trying times behind us, I like to take the beginning of a new year to look forward to what is coming–and I have a lot of hope and optimism for 2021!
First and foremost, our company, W.H. Paige and Co., is celebrating 150 years of business this year! This is a HUGE accomplishment, and we are so excited to share in the successes and history of the company with you. While we originally had some big plans that COVID has unfortunately done away with, we still have some exciting things that we will be sharing with you throughout the year. Be sure to follow here, sign up for our email list, or follow our Facebook page.
I also have a goal for my side of the business: I want to be more focused on bringing you informative and fun content that YOU want to see. At times I have found myself in a rut (hi, again, 2020) in trying to decide what to write about and share with you that is meaningful and interesting. I’m going to keep exploring topics, performers, and current issues related to flute–but if you have any questions or things you want me to dive into, leave me a comment here or on Facebook or email me at [email protected]!