FAQ: Trials and financing

Closing out our video series on the most frequently asked questions about how to be prepared to try (and hopefully purchase!) a new flute, we’re diving in this week on our trial policy and payment options. We have a great trial policy here at Paige’s Music for...

FAQ: What should I play?

This week in our series on how to be prepared to try new instruments, we’re tackling the question, “What should I play?” Many students walk into the shop and can feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the choices. Don’t fret! My job is to make this...

Music Madness Sale

Paige’s Music News about band and orchestra rentals, sales and service in Indiana It’s time once again for what is probably our favorite time of year here at Paige’s Music and the Indy Flute Shop: our annual Music Madness Sale! Shoot and Save. From...

It’s going to be a big year…

Hello all, and happy 2019 to each and every one of you! I hope these first few days of the new year have treated you well. There are some really important and exciting things that I wanted to share with you as we look ahead to the next year. First of all, I will be...

Steve Ruppert’s retirement

Those of you who have been following me for any length of time know that I just love what I do here, and I love the stories and relationships that I get to build. I have commented to a lot of people that the music world in central Indiana is a very small one, so...